Kharkov Centre of Ukrainian Studies
The Kharkov Centre of Ukrainian Studies is a municipal social organization which was established on the basis of People's Ukrainian Academy in autumn 2002. The founders of the Centre are represented by National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”, Faculty of History at V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University, National Pharmaceutical Academy of Ukraine, Kharkov Textile College, Palace of Folk Art, Kharkov Palace of Scientists, V.G. Korolenko Kharkov State Scientific Library.
All the above institutions have united to cultivate a sense of belonging to our land and our culture through educational and cultural work. The principal goal of the work done by the Centre is to extend and develop Ukrainian culture in Kharkov region, instil a feeling of love to our homeland, the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian traditions. Each founder performs its own functions in cultural and scientific life of Kharkov and fulfils relevant tasks. This has enabled to designate a wide range of problems being solved by the Centre.
The work directions determined by the founders include theoretical and methodological products, educational, upbringing, cultural work. The Centre’s task is to carry out scientific researches, organize festivals, exhibitions, contests, promote realization of inner potential possessed by young people in the sphere of Ukrainian spiritual life.
Kharkov Centre of Ukrainian Studies has taken an active part in the global project that was fulfilled at KhUH PUA during the period from the end of 1990 till 2008 – publication of complete works of D.I. Bagaliy, an outstanding Ukrainian historian who lived in late nineteenth – first half of the twentieth century. The collected works were planned to be published in 1920 – the year of the scientist’s anniversary celebration. However, the plan was implemented neither in 1920 nor during all the subsequent period of time. Today, with the help of the resources of the Kharkov Centre of Ukrainian Studies, KhUH PUA, as well as some scientists who display keen interest in the historian’s work, the project has been put into practice (at present only the historian’s epistolary heritage hasn't been published yet). The collected works presented at the highest academic level, supplemented with the comments of contemporary historians (researchers of D.I. Bagaliy’s scientific work), extended by N. Polonska-Vasylenko’s notes and insertations, have been recognized in scientific circles.
СThe Centre employers keep in touch with the descendants of D.I. Bagaliy, help to solve problems connected with the maintenance of the memorial estate and the cemetery statue in good condition, hold events to honour the memory of the great expert and annalist of Slobozhanshchyna (in particular, Kharkov region).

The Kharkov Centre of Ukrainian Studies fulfils one of the top priority tasks of the organization – educational and teaching work oriented to various strata of society.
The present-day humanitarian domain, its bounds getting narrower, provides less and less space for poetry. One of the tasks being performed by the Kharkov Centre of Ukrainian Studies is to provide support in the sphere of poetry, cultivate a word of poetics as the quintessence of the language.
Presentation of the second literary miscellany “Protei” that was issued by the Publishing House at KhUH PUA in spring 2009 became a symbolic event.
The translators' literary miscellany “Protei” is a periodical (Publishing House at KhUH PUA; initiators and compilers are Professor V.O. Podminogin, Associate Professor O.A. Kalnychenko, the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation), serving as a free forum for translators and experts in the theory of translation. The periodical contains new translations of works of art, scientific and humanitarian works of different genres, throws light on issues relating to the theory of translation (mainly literary translation), as well as the history of translation and translation thought. The classics of translation thought, as well as little-known or hard-to-access translated materials, which were created by authors of the past, are being translated into Ukrainian and published for the purpose of setting them in scientific circulation. Besides dictionary reviews, lexicography surveys, book reviews, unidentified documents on the history of translation are being published. The Almanac informs people about notable events and trends in the field of foreign theory of translation.
All those not indifferent to the national and cultural advance of Kharkov and Kharkovites are invited to cooperation by the Centre.
Address: 27, Lermontovskaya St., Kharkov, Ukraine, 61000
Phone: (057) 714-20-07 (in. 3-37)